SPY is a province-wide youth group that gathers youth from Presbyterian congregations throughout the Synod of Saskatchewan.
Next Gathering:
October 25 - 27 at First Presbyterian Church, Regina
Join us for a time of fun, games, music, worship, and exploration of the Beatitudes of Jesus.
To register for a SPY event, a registration form will need to be completed by a parent or guardian (for youth under 18) or by the attendee (age 18+). Youth must be 14 years old to be billeted, but younger youth can attend if a parent is able to stay with them or if they have family living in the host community that they can stay with.
The Leading With Care Policy requires that completed forms must be submitted to attend the event. Forms can be submitted either via email prior to the event or in person on the Friday evening.
A $50 registration fee will also be collected either in person on the Friday evening (cash or cheques made out to Saskatchewan Presbyterian Youth) or prior to the event via e-transfer (sasksynodyouth@gmail.com)
Click the link to the left for the Spring 2024 Registration Form.